Are you a devoted disciple? Do you serve with diligence and endurance? In the last study from Titus chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to become devoted disciples, by the grace and for the glory of God.
What is the biblical model for discipleship? How are you applying these Biblical directives to your life? In this study from Titus chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the Discipleship Directives Paul presented to Pastor Titus.
What is the vision that God has given to Pastor Bunjee for Calvary South Austin? And how do we carry that vision out? Pastor Bunjee and the deacons discuss our church and ministries for our annual Vision Night.
Are you quick to receive biblical instruction? Do you align your life to the way of the scriptures? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to continue to study the scriptures until the day of our redemption.
Are you a disciple who can confidently say, “follow me as I follow Christ”? In this topical study, Jeremy Valencia examines how every believer should follow Paul’s pattern of life.
Are you on the path of righteousness? Or have you strayed from the path God wants you on? In this study, Guest Speaker Jeremy Valencia encourages believers to ponder their path.
Are you a disciple of Jesus who loves to learn from the Lord? Or have you become an unteachable believer? In this study from Luke chapter 20, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to stay humble and teachable.
How did you come to know the Lord? How has your life changed since? In this study from Acts chapter 22, Guest Pastor Gabe Logsdon teaches on the amazing testimony of the apostle Paul and how we can share our testimonies with others all for the glory of God.
Are you ready for a revival? Are you ready to refocus on the Lord? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 29, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to return to their relationship to God.
Are you accomplishing The Great Commission? Are you a dedicated disciple or a distracted disciple? In this topical study, guest speaker Jeremy Valencia encourages every believer to be a disciple making disciples.
What is the Kingdom of God? How does it affect our duties as believers? In this study from Luke chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the two kingdom parables of Jesus.
Is your heart loyal to the Lord? Or are you just going through the motions? In the final study from 1st Chronicles, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to serve the Lord with their time, talents, and treasures.
Are you a believer who is becoming a dedicated disciple? Or are you a Christian convert who isn’t completely committed to living a godly life? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to start the new year with a righteous resolve to follow the word of God.
Is it your desire to magnify the Lord with your life? Or do you struggle with the desire to glorify yourself? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 17, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what it means to live for Christ.
Do you have 20/20 vision – spiritually speaking? Do you know God’s vision for your life? In this special Vision Night study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to understand how spiritual vision begins with a Biblically based focus.
Are you committed to the Cultivation of a Christian Character? Or is your commitment to Christ wavering as you walk? In this topical series, Cultivating Christian Character, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the importance of becoming a believer who is completely committed to the Christian faith.
Do you have the mental and moral strength to take a stand with our Savior? Or do you quickly cave in to the peer pressure of ungodly people? In this topical series on Cultivating Christian Character, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see our need for supernatural courage.
Do you have a Christ-like compassion? Do you see the sufferings of others and sympathize with them? Does your compassion lead to action? In this topical series, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how we should cultivate Christian character through acts of Christ-like compassion.
What is the heart behind your everyday actions? Are you living for the Lord or do you do things out of selfish ambition? In this study from the book of Acts, Pastor Gabe Logsdon helps us to see how examining our hearts and lives to the word of God will strengthen our spiritual walk.
Are you a disciple of Christ? If so, are you a diligent disciple? In this study from 2nd Peter chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to be diligent in their spiritual growth.
How’s your faith? Are you on a mountaintop or in a valley? Both places are opportunities for our faith to grow. In this study, Guest Speaker David Reynolds encourages every believer to depend on the Lord wholeheartedly.
Are you straddling the spiritual fence which stands between your faith in God, and your faith in faulty idols? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to to realize that straddling the fence doesn’t make any sense.
What is true discipleship? Would you identify yourself as being a disciple of Christ? In this study through 2nd Kings chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how Elijah’s relationship with Elisha presents us with a perfect picture of biblical discipleship.
Are you walking in faith or fear? Are you allowing your circumstances to drown out the voice of the Lord? In this study through 1st Kings chapter 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett shows us how to hear the still, small voice of the Lord.
How do you respond to rebuke? Are you discouraged by discipline, or do you accept the correction of Christ? In this study from Hebrews chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see that the Lord only chastens those whom He loves.
The Christian faith is a spiritual marathon. Are you running the race to win? Or are you running in such a way that you’ll be disqualified? In this study through Hebrews chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the discipline that a believer should have to finish the race.
In this study, “The Supremacy of the Son”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that explains that the Son is supreme because His Identity is Excellent, His Heredity is Transcendent, and His Authority is Preeminent.
Session 3 from The 2014 Happily Ever After Marriage Conference, titled “The Pillars of a Perfect Marriage.”