Are you a servant of the Lord? Does the fear of the Lord direct your actions? In this study from Psalm 36, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how every believer can be satisfied servants of our Savior.
Are your circumstances causing you to question God’s goodness? In this study from Psalm 31, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to trust in God’s plan.
Does God hear your prayers? Do you hear His voice? In this study from Psalms 28-29, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to communicate with God through faith filled prayers.
Are you a good waiter? Are you good at waiting on the Lord? In this study from Psalm 25, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to humbly submit to the Lord and wait on Him.
Do scientific theories disprove the Bible’s creation story? How does the creation story lead us to worship? In this study from Psalm 24, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to look forward to the second coming of our King.
Why should we worship God? What does nature reveal about God? In this study from Psalm 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to worship the God who is ready to redeem every repentant person.
Are unicorns real? What can we learn from them? In this study from Job chapter 39, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the different lessons we can learn from the Animal Kingdom.
Does the future look bleak? Are you struggling to understand why you are faced with certain trials? In this study from Job chapter 36, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how enduring trials brings us closer to the Lord.
What is the difference between justice and social justice? What does the Bible say about equity and equality? In this study from Job chapter 34, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to be critical thinkers and correctable Christians.
Are you able to spot the corruption of unbiblical counsel? Are you ready to correct those who spread corrupt counsel in your church? In this study from Job chapter 32, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to lean on the spiritual wisdom that can come only from the Lord.
Are you entertaining lustful thoughts? Are your eyes setting a trap for your heart? In this study from Job chapter 31, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every Christian to correct their course before a loving God does.
Is your view of persecution biblical? How do you respond to persecution? In this study from Matthew chapter 5, Guest Pastor Reuben Urias examines the blessing of persecution.
What does the incarnation have to do with Christmas? And how should this affect our celebration? In this topical study from Luke chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the facts surrounding the Incarnation of Christ Jesus.
Are there commands for Christians? If so, are you following them? In this study from 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to walk orderly, work diligently, and warn others gently.
Are you a complaining Christian or a content Christian? In this study from Job chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the dangers of being a complainer.
Why does God allow the wicked to thrive while allowing His servants to suffer? In this study of Job chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages those who labor for the Lord to know that God has a righteous reason for allowing our trials.
Why did God give us the Bible? How should the Bible affect the flow of a believer? In this study from 2nd Timothy chapter 3, Guest Speaker David Cogburn proves how profitable God’s word truly is.
Are you a grateful believer? Or are you a discontent disciple who is always complaining? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks for everything.
Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? Is all suffering bad? In this study from Job chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how God uses our pain and suffering to bless others.
Which counsel should we trust? How can we give trustworthy counsel to others? In this study from Job chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to test every counsel and spirit against the word of God.
Why does the Lord allow His servants to suffer? In this study from Job chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how God’s grace is sufficient for us through all things.
Why does God allow spiritual attack? How should Christians respond? In this study from Job chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to shun evil and submit to God.
Are you using astrology or other forms of spiritualism? Do you trust God’s word or are you searching elsewhere for answers? In this study from Esther chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to deny all demonic deceptions and to stand on the Word of God.
Are you always ready to defend your faith? How can we be victorious against spiritual attacks? In this study from Esther chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to fight the good fight of faith.
Is the devil getting you down? Do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? In this study from Esther chapter 7, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to trust that God is working all things together for good for those who love Him.
Are you walking in the obedience of faith? Even in the face of trials? In this study from Esther chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to serve God in sacrificial humility.
Are you a one-another Christian? Or are you making excuses for your exclusion? In this study from Esther chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to follow in Esther’s footsteps by choosing to be a part of God’s plan.
Did you know that every Christian has a calling? In this study from Romans chapter 12, Guest Pastor John Newberry examines what it means to be a sacrificial servant and a determined disciple.
Can God use someone like Hitler to accomplish His perfect plan? How should believers respond when persecution comes our way? In this study from Esther chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer how to prosper through persecution.
What does the Bible say about worldly culture and relationships? How can Esther’s story be an example of biblical morality for modern day believers? In this study from Esther chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to stand up for God and fight the good fight of faith.
Are you familiar with the Christmas Prophecies? Are you able to share the evidence of Christ’s birth? In this special Christmas message, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines five prophecies of Jesus’ birth and how Christ fulfilled each one.
Do you have one foot in the world and the other in the church? Are you caught up in the ways of the world? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to leave Babylon behind.
Are you quick to receive biblical instruction? Do you align your life to the way of the scriptures? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to continue to study the scriptures until the day of our redemption.
Do you avoid discussing politics and religion? How should Christians participate in the political process? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to keep Christ on the throne of their heart.
Are you fighting the good fight of faith? Or have you become discouraged because of spiritual attack? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to seek the Lord and pray always.
Can one prayer change a nation? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how one faithful follower of Christ can change the world.
Why does God allow evil to exist in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? In this study of Luke chapter 22 Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how Christ transforms evil into good.
Are you a dedicated disciple? Or have you allowed the comforts of this world to keep you from serving our Savior? In this study from Ezra chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to separate from worldly things and embrace the leading of the Lord.
Do you want to unlock the secret of eternal life? In this study from Luke chapter 18, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the biblical basis for ensuring everything eternal life.
Are you keeping your eyes on the prize? Are you serving God by the strength of the Spirit? Or is bitterness towards God causing you to backslide? In this study through 2nd Chronicles chapter 24, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to withstand the temptations of the world and stand strong in the Lord.
Do you seek out wise counsel? Do you choose your counselors carefully? In the study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 22, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to seek counsel from those who trust in Jesus.
Are you spending your time working on earthly kingdoms or are you doing works that have eternal value? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 20, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the benefits of letting the Lord lead your life.
Are you committed to accomplishing the perfect plan of King Jesus or are you pursuing your own personal agenda? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the problems that arise when a believer disregards the will of God for their personal plans.
Are you experiencing a failure of faith? In this study through Luke chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to refocus their faith on Jesus.
Are you being faithful with what God has called you to? Have you surrounded yourself with wise counsel and accountability, so you can succeed in your Christian walk? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 27, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to submit to the King of kings.
Is there a time to rebel against authority? In this study through Luke chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps Christians to Understand when it’s time to resist unrighteous rulers.
Are you prioritizing God’s word in your life? Do you seek His will in everything you do? In this study through 1st Chronicles chapter 22, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to live for the Lord while serving Him and His people.
What roles do obedience and repentance play in the life of believers? How gracious is God when we run away from Him? In this study from the book of Jonah, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines Jonah’s example of “direction correction” and Gospel proclamation.
We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow. Here’s an encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett on how we can receive help from God in our time of need.
Why does God allow bad things to happen to us? Here’s an encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Are you fighting the good fight of faith, or are you filled with fear? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the way that the tribe of Benjamin demonstrates the victorious life of faith.
Do you understand the signs of the time? Do you need God to change your reputation? Do you understand the benefits of God’s timing and blessings in your life? There are many lessons found in Biblical genealogies. In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 7, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the various spiritual lessons we can…
Are you a bondservant of our Savior Jesus? Or are you still just serving yourself? In this study from Luke chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on what it means to be a servant of the Savior.
Are you walking in God’s perfect will for your life? Or have you grown impatient as you selfishly try to get what you want? In this study through 1st Chronicles chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to wait for God to lead us into His perfect will.
Psalm 37:4 is one of the most misinterpreted and misapplied scriptures in the Bible. Does God really give us our heart’s desire? In this study on Psalm 37:4, guest speaker Jeremy Valencia puts this verse into context and how it applies to every believer.
What was God’s purpose for the church? What role do you play at your church? What value do the other members of the congregation bring to your life? In this study from 1st Corinthians, Guest teacher, Pastor Steve Westfall gives a clear understanding of how the church should look.
Are you a content Christian? Do you still struggle with covetousness? In this topical series on Cultivating Christian Character, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to focus on the Lord, instead of focusing on worldly wealth.
Did you know that the Bible has practical instructions for daily Christian living? Do you want Godly guidance in your parenting, career, and social environments? In this final study from the book of Ephesians, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how the believer can receive the power we need to walk in the peace, the love, and the grace of God.
How do you know if you’re being led by the Holy Spirit? Is there a way to test the spirits? In this topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how you can confidently walk in the Spirit.
Do you desire to leave a lasting legacy, to be remembered for time to come? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 23, we see how a lasting legacy is not created by worldly acts that will eventually be burned up, but rather through a life dedicated to serving God and sharing the truth of His Word.
Have you heard the call of the Lord? Do you know the mission that He has for your life? In this study from the book of Isaiah, Pastor John Newberry encourages every believer to draw close to the Lord in order to find your calling.
Are you influenced by popular vote? Or are your opinions based on Biblical truth? In this study from 2nd Kings 21, Pastor Bunjee encourages every Christian to take a strong stand for Biblical truth, even when it’s unpopular.
What does it mean to be “successful”? How do you measure success? In this study from 1st Peter chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps the believer to understand how the suffering of the Saint is the evidence of spiritual success.
Do you find yourself struggling with your sinful nature? Are your lustful desires getting the best of you? In this study from 1st Peter chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how we can defeat our depravity.
Do you find yourself fighting against God’s plans for your life? It’s a losing battle. In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 14, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages the believer to be a willing participant in the perfect plan of God.
Are you a submissive saint of the Lord? Or, are you struggling to submit to the authority of the good Shepherd? In today’s study from 1st Peter chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see the importance of becoming submissive saints.
Are you willing to sacrifice everything to follow Christ? Or, are you holding on to the worthless idols of this world? In this study of 2 Kings 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every Christian to flee from idolatry.
What are your New Year’s resolutions? Are they for your personal happiness or holiness? In this topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages us to put away the old self and desires, and to put on the newness of Christ.
Are you allowing covetousness to keep you from serving the Lord? Is your covetousness causing you to falsely accuse others so you can get what you want? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 21, Pastor Bunjee teaches us about the consequences of covetousness.
Are you submitting to God as a faithful servant? Or are you still a slave to sin? There isn’t a third option. In this study through 1st Kings chapter 20, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of walking in the liberty of the Lord so that we can serve our Savior Jesus.
What do you focus on when you’re afraid? Are you focusing on your scary circumstances or on Jesus? In this study, “Fear, Faith, Failures”, Jeremy Valencia encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus in the midst of life’s scary trials.
Have you damaged your reputation? If so, then you’ll be happy to know that there’s still time to receive a righteous reputation. In this study from Hebrews chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches us how the believer who walks by faith will receive a righteous reputation.
If you aren’t worshipping God, what are you worshipping? Those who fail to seek God will end up at the altar of an idol. In this study through 1 Kings chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of seeking God’s counsel.
Are the distractions of this world keeping you from becoming a dedicated disciple? In this study from Hebrews 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how faith will help us focus our life on the perfect will of God.
Who are your role models and how are they affecting your life? In this study from Hebrews chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to identify the right role models that can help us walk by faith.
Are you aware of the devils tactics when it comes to temptation? Or do you continue to fall prey to his same old tricks? In this study from Luke chapter 4, Jeremy Valencia teaches on the “Tricks of the Tempter”.
Are you robbing God of the glory that belongs to Him? Are you taking credit for the gifts He’s given you? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the self-exaltation of Solomon, as he used the wealth and wisdom of the Lord for his own glory.
Does the end justify the means? Will sinful shortcuts help us to achieve godly goals? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett addresses the problems that arise, when Christians engage in carnal compromise.
Is your repentance real? Have you truly committed your life to the King of kings? Or are you still attempting to achieve your own agenda? In the first chapter of 1st Kings, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of becoming believers who are living in submission to our King Jesus.
Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a study about God’s truth transforming our lives.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Jeremy Valencia teaches, verse by verse, how to Answer the Call, through Personal Missions, Provisions, Prosperity Based on Conditions, and the Need to Perform the Action.
In this study, “The Battle of Armageddon”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that the Battle of Armageddon will have a Determined Location, begin with a Destined Preparation, fueled by a Demonic Confederation, and will conclude with a Divine Intervention.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Corinthians.