The Pathway to Peace – Philippians 4:6-7 April 22, 2018 Jeremy Valencia heart, life, praise, praising, thankfulness, trial, trouble
2 Samuel 4 August 30, 2017 Bunjee Garrett - Senior Pastor fear, heart, Loss, sin, Tragedy, trial, trouble, truth 2nd Samuel - Overview Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
2 Corinthians 1 July 20, 2016 Bunjee Garrett - Senior Pastor discipleship, life, trial, trouble 2nd Corinthians - Overview Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse study in the book of 2 Corinthians.
A Perfect Storm – Mark 4:35-41 January 31, 2016 Pastor Steve Westfall jesus, life, mercy, trial, trouble
Romans 15 October 21, 2015 Bunjee Garrett - Senior Pastor attitude, godly, grace, heart, jesus, mercy, sacrifice, servant, trial, trouble Romans - Overview Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of Romans.
“Learning to Cope With Life’s Trouble” – 2nd Samuel 4:1-12 August 26, 2012 Bunjee Garrett - Senior Pastor cope, life, trial, trouble 2nd Samuel - In Depth Troubles come our way… find out what God has to say on coping with them.