Serving at Calvary South Austin
We believe that God has made each believer into a minister, by equipping each believer with a set of spiritual gifts and a unique personality for the purpose of serving one another. With this in mind, our ministries at Calvary South Austin are designed to minister to the church by building up the minister through service and by serving those around us.
There are many ways to serve at Calvary South Austin. Browse through our ministries currently available at Calvary South Austin and get plugged in:
- Calvary Kids Development Center
- The Calvary Current
- Max Men’s Ministry
- RE-Bound Prison
- “Eve 31” Women’s Ministry
- “One” Singles Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Children’s Ministry
- Worship and Sound Ministry
- Hospitality Ministry
- Usher & Greeting Ministry
- Maintenance Ministry
- Media Ministry
- Kurios Apologetics Ministry
- Prayer Ministry
- One Step to Freedom Ministry