“Eve 31” Women’s Ministry

“EVE 31” Purpose

The “Eve 31” Women’s Ministry creates an atmosphere where women can support one another and be inspired to live for God and love others. “Eve 31” provides opportunities for growth through the application of biblical truths.

“EVE 31” Vision

The various ministries that originate from “Eve 31” will be aimed toward the following goals, as together we reach toward the lifelong journey and process of becoming godly women in every area of our lives:

  • To provide opportunities for growth by obtaining biblical knowledge, real life application, and the awareness and use of spiritual gifts to edify the body.
  • To create an atmosphere of fellowship as sisters where we each feel we belong, are supported, encouraged, inspired, and motivated in our walk with the Lord.
  • To welcome and nurture women at all stages of life with God’s unconditional love, kindness, and generosity both within the church body and as we reach out into the community.

Women’s Ministry Events

Current Study: God Is Enough

Study runs from July 9th – Sept. 24th

Tuesday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Meeting at La Madeleine off Brodie Ln.

Registration open at the bookstore – $15 for book
Moms are welcome to supervise their own child

For registration or more information, call 512.576.5433 or email eve31@calvarysouthaustin.com


CLICK HERE to sign up!