What can we learn from the story of Noah? How does the flood relate to us today? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the similarities of the ark that saved Noah from the flood, and the ark that saves us from eternal fire.
Did Jesus party with tax collectors and sinners? What role does our friendships play in our relationship with Christ? In this study, Pastor Bunjee expounds on the example Zacchaeus’ is for every believer desiring a deeper connection to Christ.
What roles do obedience and repentance play in the life of believers? How gracious is God when we run away from Him? In this study from the book of Jonah, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines Jonah’s example of “direction correction” and Gospel proclamation.
Have you been converted to the Christian faith? Are you confident that you’ve embraced the Kingdom of Heaven with a child-like faith? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the infinite love and kindness the Lord has for us, that will lead us to repentance.
Are you fighting the good fight of faith? Are you relying on the one true living God to defeat the Goliaths in your life? In this beloved Bible story of David and Goliath, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to trust in God, the only One who can deliver every giant you face into your…
What benefits does the believer have in Christ? How do we receive these benefits? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains that the born-again believer has incredible benefits as we walk by faith with our Savior Jesus.
Are you allowing your fear of the lion’s den to keep you from serving our Savior? In this Bible story on Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to be a servant of God no matter what the consequences might be.
Do you trust the Good Shepherd to lead you through the valley of death? Or are you focused on the trials and evil of the world? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to take every circumstance as a growing experience with the Lord.
Does the Bible ever mention dinosaurs? Are there Biblical reasons to believe that dinosaurs dwelt on the Earth with men? In this study from the book of Job, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how the Lord used dinosaurs to humble His servant Job.
We are all born spiritually blind and in darkness. In this study, Spiritual Sight, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines three blind men in the New Testament who have their sight restored by Jesus and the spiritual lessons we can learn from those miracles.
Are you bowing a knee to the idols of this world? Do you find yourself caving into sin and the pressures of the world? Or are you fighting the good fight of faith? In this study, The Fiery Furnace, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to take a stand for their faith like Shadrach, Meshach,…
What is the favor of the Father? How does God demonstrate His love for us? In this study on the prodigal son, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the graciousness, forgiveness, and kindness of our loving Father.