Sermons by Bunjee Garrett - Senior Pastor

Pastor Bunjee Garrett is the senior pastor of Calvary South Austin.

The Word: July 5th, 2024

Should you vote Christian or Conservative? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett. This is a clip from a sermon titled “Declaration of Dependence.” Click the link to view the sermon in its entirety. CLICK HERE: Declaration Of Dependence Pastor Bunjee Garrett will be back next week with new Word videos.

The Hopeful Heart – Philippians 2:19-24

Do you feel hopeless? Are you demoralized with daily depression? In this study from Philippians chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how believers can have a heart filled with heavenly hope.

The Celebration of the Incarnation – Luke 2:1-20

What does the incarnation have to do with Christmas? And how should this affect our celebration? In this topical study from Luke chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the facts surrounding the Incarnation of Christ Jesus.

Perfection Through Participation – Philippians 1:3-7

Are you participating in your fellowship of faith? Or are you still a stadium saint? In this study from Philippians chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to continue on the path of perfection by participating in their Christian congregation.

Commands for Christians – 2nd Thessalonians 3:6-15

Are there commands for Christians? If so, are you following them? In this study from 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to walk orderly, work diligently, and warn others gently.

Job 12

How should believers respond to false accusations? What warrants a sarcastic response? In this study from Job chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on how we should submit our freewill to the perfect will of our Savior, Jesus.

Our Divine Dependence 2023

What were the religious reasons our founding fathers declared independence from Great Britain? What did our founding fathers believe and how did it affect their actions? In this topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how our fathers declared their independence from Great Britain’s religious rule, they were simultaneously declaring their dependence on a Divine creator.

Job 4

Which counsel should we trust? How can we give trustworthy counsel to others? In this study from Job chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to test every counsel and spirit against the word of God.

Blinded By Unbelief: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4

Are you being influenced by those blinded by unbelief? Are you following leaders still wandering in spiritual darkness? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to walk in the light of the Lord so that we can be used to help the spiritually blind to see the truth…

Job 2

Why does the Lord allow His servants to suffer? In this study from Job chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how God’s grace is sufficient for us through all things.

Good Friday 2023

Who is guilty of killing Jesus? What is the forensic evidence of His death? In this special Good Friday sermon, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the evidence for the crucifixion of Jesus.

Esther 9

Are you using astrology or other forms of spiritualism? Do you trust God’s word or are you searching elsewhere for answers? In this study from Esther chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to deny all demonic deceptions and to stand on the Word of God.

Esther 8

Are you always ready to defend your faith? How can we be victorious against spiritual attacks? In this study from Esther chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to fight the good fight of faith.

Esther 7

Is the devil getting you down? Do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders? In this study from Esther chapter 7, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to trust that God is working all things together for good for those who love Him.

Esther 5

Are you walking in the obedience of faith? Even in the face of trials? In this study from Esther chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to serve God in sacrificial humility.

Esther 3

Can God use someone like Hitler to accomplish His perfect plan? How should believers respond when persecution comes our way? In this study from Esther chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer how to prosper through persecution.

The Excellent Example – 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10

Are you an excellent example of what it means to follow Christ? Or are you a bad example that others can learn from? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee encourages every believer to follow the example of the Thessalonians and be an excellent example of what it means to be a…

Christmas Prophecies

Are you familiar with the Christmas Prophecies? Are you able to share the evidence of Christ’s birth? In this special Christmas message, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines five prophecies of Jesus’ birth and how Christ fulfilled each one.

Nehemiah 12

Do you have one foot in the world and the other in the church? Are you caught up in the ways of the world? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to leave Babylon behind.

Nehemiah 8

Are you quick to receive biblical instruction? Do you align your life to the way of the scriptures? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to continue to study the scriptures until the day of our redemption.

Nehemiah 6

Are you under spiritual attack? Is your calling in life riddled with conflict? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to follow Nehemiah’s example to stay on course according to the calling of Christ.

The Scope of Salvation – Luke 23:32-43

Who is included in our Savior’s scope of salvation? Are some people irredeemable? Or does the Lord desire everyone to come to repentance? In this study from Luke chapter 23, Pastor Bunjee Garrett answers these questions and more.

The Deception of Date-Setting

What is the danger of date-setting? Why should we be wary of rapture predictions? Instead, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to focus on living everyday for God in this topical study.

Surrendered Servants of our Savior – Luke 19: 11-27

Are you a surrendered servant of our Savior? Or are you still serving your selfish interest in order to accomplish your own agenda? In this study from Luke chapter 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what it means to be a surrendered servant of Christ.

Ezra 6

Are you a dedicated disciple? Or have you allowed the comforts of this world to keep you from serving our Savior? In this study from Ezra chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to separate from worldly things and embrace the leading of the Lord.

Good Friday Facts

What are the facts behind Good Friday? How can we know the truth about Jesus’ death? In this special Good Friday study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the evidence on Jesus’ amazing sacrifice.

The Day of Division – Luke 17:34-37

Did you know that Jesus came to bring division? What does that mean? In this study through Luke chapter 17, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages everyone to repent from their sins and turn to Jesus.

Colossians 4

What does it mean to be a faithful servant of Christ? Are you living for the Lord, or for the lusts of the flesh? In this study through Colossians chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the final word of encouragement that Paul presented to Christians in Colossea.

America’s Patriot Pastors – Bill of Rights

How does the Bill of Rights relate to our God-given rights? Did the founding fathers take God’s word into account as they wrote these important documents? In the final study of our series on America’s Patriot Pastors, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on our unalienable rights given to us by God.

America’s Patriot Pastors: Declaration of Independence

What role did the Black Robe Regiment play in the Declaration of Independence? What can modern day pastors learn from the grit and politics of America’s Patriot Pastors? In the second study on America’s Patriot Pastors, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the roles pastors played in the Declaration of Independence.

2 Chronicles 30

Is God at the center of your thoughts and actions? Are your opinions louder than the truth of God? In this study through 2nd Chronicles chapter 30, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to tear down the idols in their hearts and fully worship the Lord.

The Word: July 14, 2021

Do you have a Biblical perspective on current events? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett. Reference Links: Current “The Word” youtube link: Previous “The Word” youtube link: Studio 118:

1 Chronicles 9

What lessons can we learn from the Levites and the priests? How can we apply their ministry service and worship to our lives? In this overview on 1st Chronicles chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett expounds on Christian living through the example of the priests and Levites.

The Fiery Furnace

Are you bowing a knee to the idols of this world? Do you find yourself caving into sin and the pressures of the world? Or are you fighting the good fight of faith? In this study, The Fiery Furnace, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to take a stand for their faith like Shadrach, Meshach,…

David and Goliath

Are you fighting the good fight of faith? Are you relying on the one true living God to defeat the Goliaths in your life? In this beloved Bible story of David and Goliath, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to trust in God, the only One who can deliver every giant you face into your…

Good Friday: The Parallels of the Passover and the Pandemic

Did you know that our Good Friday celebration finds its roots in the story of the Passover? Did you know that during the Passover, the Israelites were instructed by God to shelter in place? Check out this Good Friday study by Pastor Bunjee Garrett on the many many parallels of the Passover & our current…

1 Chronicles 2

Are you spending time each day seeking the Lord Jesus? Do you seek His face as diligently as Ezra did writing the genealogical record of God’s chosen people? In this study through the book 1st Chronicles chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to wake up every day with the goal of spending devotional time with the One that Ezra worked so hard to find.

Cover Judgers – Luke 1:5-25

Do you judge a book by its cover? How often do we find ourselves judging a person by the way they dress or by the color of their skin? How many times have we jumped to the wrong conclusion about things – only after hearing half of the matter? In this study from Luke chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett details the problems that arise whenever we make appearance-based assumptions.

The Schemes of Satan

Are you a believer caught up in the schemes of Satan? Are you struggling with doubting your faith? Do you find yourself in despair due to depression? Or are you distressed because you’re too distracted by the things of this world? If this sounds like something you struggle with, check out this study by Pastor Bunjee Garrett on the schemes of Satan.

Ephesians 6

Did you know that the Bible has practical instructions for daily Christian living? Do you want Godly guidance in your parenting, career, and social environments? In this final study from the book of Ephesians, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how the believer can receive the power we need to walk in the peace, the love, and the grace of God.

2 Kings 24

Are you fighting against God’s will for your life? Do you find yourself at odds with the prophetic Word of the Bible? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 24, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how God is ready to pardon the sins of those who repent and trust in the finished work of the sinless sacrifice, Jesus.

The Solid Foundation – 1 Peter 2:4-8

Are you building your life upon the solid foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ? Or are you still building your life on the faulty foundation of your own efforts? In this study through 1st Peter, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see that every Christian who embraces the instructions of God’s word has become a living stone in the spiritual house of God.

2 Kings 9

Do you believe that God will fulfill His prophetic promise to punish every unbeliever? Are you willing to warn them about the punishment which will eventually be poured out? In this study through 2nd Kings chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the way that the Lord punished the house of Ahab, while helping us to apply this story to our lives.

Ugly Christmas Sweater

People spend millions of dollars every year on ugly Christmas sweaters, but have you ever considered the similarity between the person that puts on an ugly Christmas sweater and the incarnation of our Savior? In this Christmas Eve study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how we all have ugly sweaters of our fallen flesh and how the incarnation of Christ provides the heavenly detergent to cleanse us from our sins.

2 Kings 5

Are you allowing the Lord to reveal the power of His name to those who are in your sphere of influence? Or are you hiding the light of the Lord under the proverbial bushel basket? In this study from 2 Kings chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to share the Good News of the Gospel to all the world, even at the risk of offending some.

2 Kings 2

What is true discipleship? Would you identify yourself as being a disciple of Christ? In this study through 2nd Kings chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how Elijah’s relationship with Elisha presents us with a perfect picture of biblical discipleship.

2 Kings 1

Are you able to correct the course of your carnal decisions before receiving the correction of the Lord? Or do you continue to sin until you feel the pain of the Lord’s perfect punishment? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages us to learn the hard lessons from the Bible, so that we can avoid the loving correction of the Lord.

1 Kings 21

Are you allowing covetousness to keep you from serving the Lord? Is your covetousness causing you to falsely accuse others so you can get what you want? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 21, Pastor Bunjee teaches us about the consequences of covetousness.

1 Kings 18

Are you just playing church? Or is your heart loyal to the true and living God? In this study through 1st Kings chapter 18, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches how Elijah encouraged the Israelites to repent and return to the Lord. Let this study encourage you to stop straddling the fence.

1 Kings 13

Do you embrace the word of God, even when it opposes your opinions? Or are you quick to reject the sections of scripture that contradict your point of view? In this study from 1 Kings chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of embracing God’s prophetic word.

1 Kings 12

If you aren’t worshipping God, what are you worshipping? Those who fail to seek God will end up at the altar of an idol. In this study through 1 Kings chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of seeking God’s counsel.

1 Kings 10

Are you robbing God of the glory that belongs to Him? Are you taking credit for the gifts He’s given you? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the self-exaltation of Solomon, as he used the wealth and wisdom of the Lord for his own glory.

The Truth of the Tabernacle – Hebrews 9:1-15

The God of Israel directed Moses to build a tabernacle for Him to dwell in among His people. But did you know that the tabernacle contained a prophetic message for those who believe? The tabernacle itself was a symbolic structure of things to come. In this study from the ninth chapter of Hebrews, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches the Truth of the Tabernacle.

1 Kings 6

What is the spiritual significance of Solomon’s temple? Can the stones of the sanctuary actually sing? Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches from 1st Kings, chapter six, and explains the parallels between Temple Mount and the true sanctuary of the Christian Church.

1 Kings 5

When Solomon built the first temple of God, King Hiram, a gentile king assisted him. When the second temple was built, King Cyrus, another gentile king, assisted Israel. Could it be that another Gentile, the president of the United States, could assist with the building of the third temple? In this study of 1st Kings, chapter five, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on God’s promise to Israel and what the Bible says about those who help God’s people.

Progressing Towards Perfection – Hebrews 7:11-28

Is your spiritual maturity currently stalled out? Or are you progressing forward towards perfection, by faith in the finished work of our High Priest, Jesus? In this study, “Progressing Towards Perfection”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches through Hebrews chapter seven and explains our steps to perfection in Christ.

1st Kings

1 Kings 1

Is your repentance real? Have you truly committed your life to the King of kings? Or are you still attempting to achieve your own agenda? In the first chapter of 1st Kings, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of becoming believers who are living in submission to our King Jesus.

Is Faith in Jesus Foolish? – Easter 2018

Is faith in Jesus foolish? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett gives biblical and historical evidence of Jesus’ resurrection. Many unbelievers have been Fooled by Secular Scientists, Fooled by Skeptical Scholars, and Fooled by Smug Scoffers, take the time today to investigate the facts for yourself. You’ll find that the evidence overwhelmingly points to the certainty of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday 2018

What’s good about Good Friday? Thousands of years ago, Jesus suffered and was crucified on the cross for our sins. The suffering of Jesus was not only physical, but He also suffered the emotional pain of relational rejection. This means that Jesus, God the Son, is able to relate to humankind and our sufferings. He suffered the most on the cross for us. Before the foundation of the world was created, God made this plan because of His love for us and so that we would be saved. The goodness of God was shown through Jesus’ death on this Good Friday.

Picture of the Ark

The Just Judgment of Jesus – Hebrews 6:1-2

Will a God of love really send people to hell? Will He forgive everyone, or will He judge those Who reject the Lord Jesus? What’s the difference between the Bema Seat judgement – and the Great White Throne? Pastor Bunjee answers these questions and more as he examines “The Just Judgment of Jesus.”


Galatians 3

God’s promise and plan for salvation has always been faith based. The law came to show us our need for Grace. In this study from the book of Galatians, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of a faith based relationship with our Savior. Not faith plus works. Jesus finished God’s plan for our salvation on the cross, we cannot add anything to it.

Picture of the Ark

The Reality of the Resurrection – Hebrews 6:1-2

What happens to us when we die? Is there an afterlife, or do we become reincarnated and live multiple lives? Find out what the word of God has to say about life after death. In this study, “The Reality of the Resurrection”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches the fifth part of a six week series, “Foundational Fundamentals”, in which he explains how the doctrine of the resurrection is meant to give hope to the born again believer. The Bible tells us that everyone will eventually be raised up from the grave, regardless of whether they believe in Jesus or not. The doctrine of the resurrection is Not Physical Reanimation, is Not Cyclical Reincarnation, and is Not Mythological Revision. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is real and proven, and is full of hope.


Galatians 2

How are we justified before God? By our good works? Or through faith in Jesus? A true transformation by the Holy Spirit is shown through a life that loves and serves God daily, not by words alone. As Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches verse by verse on the second chapter of Galatians, we will examine the lives of those living in hypocrisy and how we instead can live truthfully for Jesus and in the liberty of His grace.

Picture of the Ark

The Christian Community – Hebrews 6:1-2

What is the purpose of church? And how does the laying on of hands benefit the church? In this study, “The Christian Community”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches the fourth part of a six week series, “Foundational Fundamentals”, in which he explains how a healthy Christian community should engage in the practice of the laying on of hands. We’ll see that the Laying on of Hands is a Confirmation of Conversion, Consecration of Commission, and a Connection of Compassion.

Picture of the Ark

The Immersion Initiation – Hebrews 6:1-2

Did you know that the word ‘baptism’ in the Bible doesn’t always refer to water baptism? In fact the most important baptism in the Bible isn’t water baptism. In this study from the book of Hebrews titled, “The Immersion Initiation”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches the third part of a six week series, “Foundational Fundamentals”, in which he explains, the Symbolic Simulation of water baptism, confirmed through Sacramental Submersion, and results in Spiritual Sanctification.

Picture of the Ark

The Firm Foundation of Faith – Hebrews 6:1-2

What are you putting your faith in? Your philosophies? Your abilities? Or are you putting your faith in the finished work of Jesus? In this study from the book of Hebrews titled, “The Firm Foundation of Faith”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett goes through the second teaching in a six week series, “Foundational Fundamentals”, which explains how our faith begins with Intellectual Persuasion, which leads to a Confident Conviction that Jesus is our Savior, resulting in us living with Dedicated Devotion to serving our God.

Crash Course in Christology – Revelation 22:12-16

In this study, “Crash Course of Christology”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows The Evidence of Christ’s Authenticity, The Claims of His Divinity, The Standard of His Authority, and The Lineage of Christ’s Humanity.

The Millennial Kingdom of Christ – Revelation 20:1-10

In this study, “The Millennial Kingdom of Christ”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how Christ’s utopian kingdom the Enemy will be Enchained, the Righteous will Rule and Reign, and the Defiant will be Detained.

The Unmistakable Return – Revelation 19:11-16

In this study, “The Unmistakable Return”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how Christ’s second coming will be unmistakable because His Identity is Undeniable, His Authority is Unquestionable, and His Weaponry is Unstoppable.

The Influence of the Immoral Idolatress – Revelation 17:15-18

In this study, “The Influence of the Immoral Idolatress”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the immoral idolatress will lead people into Religious Syncretism, Economic Globalism, and Political Imperialism.

The Battle of Armageddon – Revelation 16:12-16

In this study, “The Battle of Armageddon”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that the Battle of Armageddon will have a Determined Location, begin with a Destined Preparation, fueled by a Demonic Confederation, and will conclude with a Divine Intervention.

The Firm Foundation of Fellowship – Revelation 14:1-5

In this study, “The Firm Foundation of Fellowship”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how our foundation of fellowship is built on The Sacrifice of our Savior, The Seal of the Spirit, The Word of God, Our Proclamation of Praise, Our Commitment to Christ, and Our Sincerity of Speech.

The Conquest of the Antichrist – Revelation 6:1-2

In this study, “The Conquest of the Antichrist”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that gives biblical evidence that the Antichrist will be a Religious Deceiver, a World Leader, and a Military Conquerer.

A Challenge for the Lifeless Church – Revelation 3:1-6

In this study, “A Challenge for the Lifeless Church”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us The Exhibition of His almighty power, the Examination of the works at the church of Sardis, and the Exhortation to repent from their dead works.

A Challenge for the Long-Suffering Church – Revelation 2:8-11

In this study, ” A Challenge for the Long-Suffering Church”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse study that shows us the Exhibition of His power over persecution, the Examination of what was happening in Smyrna, and the Exhortation to stay faithful in the face of affliction.

A Spiritual Snapshot of our Savior Part 3 – Revelation 1:12-20

In the final part of, “A Spiritual Snapshot of our Savior” Series, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching called, “The Godly Guidance of our Shepherd”, which shows us that Jesus is our Shepherd who guides us with the Scriptural Prophecy of His Word, Pastoral Ministry, and Relational Accountability.

A Spiritual Snapshot of our Savior Part 2 – Revelation 1:12-20

In the second part of “A Spiritual Snapshot of our Savior” Series, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching called, “The Powerful Preeminence of our Savior ,” that shows us Christ has Preeminence over the Creation , Preeminence over the Resurrection, and Preeminence over Salvation.

A Spiritual Snapshot of Our Savior Part 1 – Revelation 1: 12-20

In this three-part series, “A Spiritual Snapshot of our Savior”, this study, “The Ascended Appearance of the Son”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that the Son appeared to John as a Perfect Priest ready to help any believer who needs it, the Just Judge who has a plan to solve the problem evil in this world, and the Righteous Ruler who will conquer the darkness of the wicked world at the time of His return.

A Book of Blessings – Revelation 1:1-3

In this study, “A Book of Blessings,” Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the blessings of this book are given to those who Contemplate this book through reading, Comprehend the revelation of Jesus Christ, and Comply to the prophetic truths that are found in this book.

Walking in Love – 2 John 1:5-6

In this study, “Walking in Love”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how to love sacrificially because it is Defined by the Law, Demonstrated by Christ, and Determined for Believers.

On Guard – 1 John 5:18-21

In this study, “On Guard,” Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how to take up the sword of the Spirit, so that we can guard our minds from the Wicked One, guard our hearts from the Wicked World, and guard our souls from Wicked Worship so that we can continue to serve our Savior, who is the only living God.

Deuteronomy 20

When we signed on with Christ, we signed up to be soldiers in an unseen war. Not any war mind you, but the war! The ultimate fight of good versus evil, a spiritual war of dier proportions. In Deuteronomy 20 pastor Bunjee Garret show’s us how we as Christians need to be soldiers and ambassadors for God. Prepared…

“Developing an Attitude of Gratitude” – 2nd Samuel 16:1-4

When trouble comes our way it’s easy to look at our lives as glass half empty, even when it comes to our service to the King. In this message Pastor Bunjee Garrett shows us how Developing an Attitude of Gratitude can give us the proper perspective when it comes to living a life of service…

The Greatest Superhero Story Ever Told

Growing up we each had our favorite comic book superheros. From Superman to Wonder Woman each hero captivated us with their unique superpowers and can-do-attitude. In this special Christmas Eve study Pastor Bunjee Garrett shows us that there is no greater superhero then Jesus Christ and His, birth, death and resurrection is arguable the greatest superhero story…