What is the purpose of a pastor? How should Christians understand the role of this leadership position? In this study from Titus chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett outlines God’s plan for the pastoral position of the church.
What does the Bible say about organized religion? Can women be pastors? What is your role in discipleship? In the first study from Philippians chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what the Bible says about the ordained order of the church.
Is the US being set up for Martial Law? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Are you doing your part to help create a Christ-centered community? Do you respect who the Lord has called to lead? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to live Christ-centered lives in order to build a Christ-centered community.
Do you have one foot in the world and the other in the church? Are you caught up in the ways of the world? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to leave Babylon behind.
Are you serving God in a way that stretches your faith? Are you sacrificially serving our Savior? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to become courageous Christians, who serve in supernatural ways.
Are you under spiritual attack? Is your calling in life riddled with conflict? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to follow Nehemiah’s example to stay on course according to the calling of Christ.
Do you avoid discussing politics and religion? How should Christians participate in the political process? In this study from Nehemiah chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to keep Christ on the throne of their heart.
Are you willing to sacrifice everything to serve your Savior? Or are you attempting to avoid anything that might cause conflict? In this study through Nehemiah chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to live boldly for Christ.
What role did Christianity play in the Declaration of Independence? How did our founding father’s religion influence the birth of America? In this topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines our founding fathers dependence on God when they declared their independence from Great Britain.
How does the Bill of Rights relate to our God-given rights? Did the founding fathers take God’s word into account as they wrote these important documents? In the final study of our series on America’s Patriot Pastors, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on our unalienable rights given to us by God.
Was the US Constitution influenced by the Bible? Did Christian pastors inspire the foundations of our government? In the third study of the series on America’s Patriot Pastors, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the Biblical basis for our nations constitution.
Are you putting your faith in a political party? Do you trust government leaders to lead you the way God would have you to live? In the final study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 36, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to learn from the past mistakes of the failed kings of Judah.
Do the politics of today fill you with fear? Does thinking about the future cause worry instead of joy? In this study through 2nd Chronicles chapter 21, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to trust God’s plan, even in uncertain circumstances.
Are you learning to lean on the Lord more and more? Or does the fear of man have you wavering in your faith? In this study from Second Chronicles chapter 16, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to remain strong in the faith, even in the face of fear.
Is the church in America struggling with the sin of idolatry? In this study through 2nd Chronicles chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the dangers and sins that occur when we have idols in our life.
What does God have in store for Calvary South Austin in 2021 and beyond? In this special Vision Night study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett shares the vision that God has given him as the pastor of this church.
Do you worship the Lord like a Levitical Priest? Is your worship biblical? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 25, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to worship God in spirit and in truth.
Are you walking in humility or are you pursuing your own prideful agendas? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 23, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the problems that come with prideful living.
Have you forgotten you’re a sheep who needs a shepherd? Are you letting Jesus lead your life? In this study on Isaiah 40:11, Guest Pastor John Newberry encourages us to follow the Good Shepherd.
Are there times when God will lead Christians to take a stand against the government? In this study from 1st Chronicles chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett considers the topic of sedition, in light of the Spirit-led rebellion of David.
Do you desire to leave a lasting legacy, to be remembered for time to come? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 23, we see how a lasting legacy is not created by worldly acts that will eventually be burned up, but rather through a life dedicated to serving God and sharing the truth of His Word.
The mission of Calvary South Austin is summed up with three simple directives: Reach Up, Reach In, and Reach Out. In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett expounds on this mission by giving us the vision we need to accomplish our calling in Christ.
Are you straddling the spiritual fence which stands between your faith in God, and your faith in faulty idols? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to to realize that straddling the fence doesn’t make any sense.
What is true discipleship? Would you identify yourself as being a disciple of Christ? In this study through 2nd Kings chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how Elijah’s relationship with Elisha presents us with a perfect picture of biblical discipleship.
Are you a content Christian or are you constantly complaining? In this study from Hebrews chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how Christ Jesus can cure our complaining.
Are you a believer who is being sanctified? Are you being refined by trials? In this study through 1st Kings chapter 17, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the authority that Jesus has on our lives.
Are you fleeing from idolatry? Or are you secretly serving your idols? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 16, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of keeping the Lord first in our lives.
If you aren’t worshipping God, what are you worshipping? Those who fail to seek God will end up at the altar of an idol. In this study through 1 Kings chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of seeking God’s counsel.
Who’s footsteps are you following in? Are you living a life that is worthy of imitation? In this study from 1st Kings 11, Pastor Bunjee examines the bad example of King Solomon which resulted in the division of Israel.
When Solomon built the first temple of God, King Hiram, a gentile king assisted him. When the second temple was built, King Cyrus, another gentile king, assisted Israel. Could it be that another Gentile, the president of the United States, could assist with the building of the third temple? In this study of 1st Kings, chapter five, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on God’s promise to Israel and what the Bible says about those who help God’s people.
Should the born-again believer participate in The political process? What value is there in electing Christians as our nation’s leaders? In the fourth chapter of 1st Kings, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of God’s wisdom in human government.
What is the purpose of church? And how does the laying on of hands benefit the church? In this study, “The Christian Community”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches the fourth part of a six week series, “Foundational Fundamentals”, in which he explains how a healthy Christian community should engage in the practice of the laying on of hands. We’ll see that the Laying on of Hands is a Confirmation of Conversion, Consecration of Commission, and a Connection of Compassion.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “The Influence of the Immoral Idolatress”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the immoral idolatress will lead people into Religious Syncretism, Economic Globalism, and Political Imperialism.
Jeremy Valencia teaches, verse by verse, how to Answer the Call, through Personal Missions, Provisions, Prosperity Based on Conditions, and the Need to Perform the Action.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
In this study, “A Challenge for the Leaderless Church”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us The Exhibition of His righteous rule, the Examination of the church of Thyatira, and the Exhortation to be the church God wanted them to be.
In this study, “The Arrogance of Selfish Ambition,” we will learn that the Lord’s love leads us through Reject the Righteous Word, Reject the Rebuke of Leaders, and Reject the Right-Hand of Fellowship.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Corinthians.
In this study, “Identifying Doctrinal Deceivers,” we will learn that the Lord’s love leads us through Conning Christians, Confessing Corruption, Counterfeit Christs.
Pastor Bunjee & Brenda Garrett – Calvary South Austin “The Right Recipe” – Couples must incorporate many essential ingredients in order to enjoy a happy/healthy marriage. Communication is key!