Are you resting in the labor of the Lord? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett. This is a rerun of 9/4/23. Pastor Bunjee will be back with new videos starting tomorrow!
Do spiders have more rights than preborn babies? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Is the US rejecting God’s blessings? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Is Taylor Swift a servant of Satan? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett. This is a rerun of 1/9/24. Pastor Bunjee Garrett will be back next week with new Word videos.
Are the blessings of Abraham through Ishmael or Isaac? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Is the US suffering righteous judgment? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Will the Rainbow Flag stop the Day of Judgment? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Do you have a Biblical Worldview? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Is Biden supporting both sides? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Do you delight in God’s word? Do you meditate on it daily? In this study from Psalms chapter one, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to walk with the godly and live righteously.
Do they really love killing babies? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett. This is a re-run. Pastor Bunjee will be back next week with new videos.
Should Women’s History Month be a celebration of abortion? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Are you becoming more like Jesus through the process of sanctification? Or are you still focused on your past failures and sins? In this study from Philippians chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to fix their focus on Jesus and strive to be more like Him.
Did Christians create the KKK? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Should we honor the 1st Black ordained Pastor? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Do we need a black national anthem? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Is it irrational to reject the Christian faith? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Apostasy Alert: Pervert Preachers & Palestine Propaganda. Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Apostasy Alert: Popes, Pastors & Perverts! Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Pastor Aaron Eichelberger teaches on how The Watchmen guard against dissipation.
What does it mean to have a clear conscience? In this study from guest speaker, Pastor David Reynolds explains how believers can be freed from sin and live above reproach.
Are there commands for Christians? If so, are you following them? In this study from 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to walk orderly, work diligently, and warn others gently.
Did the Jesus on The Chosen sin? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
How should believers respond to false accusations? What warrants a sarcastic response? In this study from Job chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on how we should submit our freewill to the perfect will of our Savior, Jesus.
Are you leaning on your own understanding? Is it causing you to judge the people in your life? In this study from Job chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to seek wisdom from the Lord, instead of our own.
Are you a complaining Christian or a content Christian? In this study from Job chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the dangers of being a complainer.
Why does God allow the wicked to thrive while allowing His servants to suffer? In this study of Job chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages those who labor for the Lord to know that God has a righteous reason for allowing our trials.
Are you quick to judge others? Or do you take the time to learn the facts? In this study from Job chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to examine themselves before counseling others.
How does God consecrate the Christian? How should we respond to the sanctifying work of our Savior? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explores God plan to consecrate the spirit, soul, and soma of every Christian.
Which counsel should we trust? How can we give trustworthy counsel to others? In this study from Job chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to test every counsel and spirit against the word of God.
Are you living within the Biblical boundaries of sexual purity? Or have you been deceived by those who want to normalize sexual immorality? In this study from 1st Thessalonians chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explores the biblical standard of sexual purity.
Are you always ready to defend your faith? How can we be victorious against spiritual attacks? In this study from Esther chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to fight the good fight of faith.
Are you walking in the obedience of faith? Even in the face of trials? In this study from Esther chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to serve God in sacrificial humility.
Are you slipping back into sin? Are you returning to your rebellious ways? In the final chapter of Nehemiah, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how every believer can stay on course with Christ.
Do these paintings prove that Jesus was transgender? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Who is included in our Savior’s scope of salvation? Are some people irredeemable? Or does the Lord desire everyone to come to repentance? In this study from Luke chapter 23, Pastor Bunjee Garrett answers these questions and more.
Is it sinful to be pro-life? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett.
Do you have an unreasonable unbelief? In this study from Luke chapter 22, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the irrational arguments of unbelievers.
Is the popular push towards pride pleasing in the eyes of the Lord? Or is this the sort of pride that will lead us down the path of national destruction? In this topical message, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on pride versus purity.
Are you ready for revival? Are you ready to repent? In this study from Ezra chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how revival starts when the people of God return to Him.
What are the facts behind Good Friday? How can we know the truth about Jesus’ death? In this special Good Friday study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the evidence on Jesus’ amazing sacrifice.
Does Jesus seek the lost? How does He summon sinners to Himself? In this study from Luke chapter 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how Jesus seeks, summons, and saves the lost.
Are you ready to leave behind the bondage of Babylon? Are you ready to walk in the freedom that Christ provided for you? In this study from Ezra chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every Christian to walk in the Liberty of the Lord.
Is it the end of the world as we know it? How can we know? In this special End Times message, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how evil will increase in the last days.
Do you struggle to keep your New Year’s resolutions? Do you want to know how to gain victory over unhealthy habits? In this special topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett lays out the perfect plan on how to become the new and improved you.
Are you a courageous Christian? Are you ready to stand with our Savior, even if it results in your suffering? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to stand strong in the faith of our Lord.
Does your faith cause division or conflict with the unbelievers in your life? Is your walk with Christ separating you from the world? In this study from Luke chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how biblical doctrine is meant to divide us.
Are you a covetousness Christian? Are you constantly wanting more? In this study from Luke chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages Christians to conquer covetousness by becoming content.
Is your heart loyal to the Lord or are you dedicating your life to other things? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 15, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to continue to destroy the idols in their life.
Are you walking in the fear of the Lord or has pride lead you astray? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to fight the good fight of faith by the power of the Holy Spirit.
What benefit does the believer have in prayer? How important is prayer in your life? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer.
How do the temple tools help us to understand the ministry of the Messiah? In this study from 2nd Chronicles chapter four, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the Old Testament symbolism found in the temple.
Do you truly love the Lord? Are you truly submitting your life to His holy word? In this study through Luke chapter 7, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to abandon their worldly desires and follow Christ.
“Judge not lest ye be judged” – it’s the most misquoted verse in the Bible. What did Jesus mean when He said these words? In this study from Luke chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how we should understand and apply this verse to our life.
What is the source of true happiness – is it money, possessions, social status? Is there lasting fulfillment in these things, or are you always left wanting more? In this study from the Luke chapter 6, Pastor Bunjee explains the source of true happiness.
What are the consequences of living in unrepentant sin? How does living in sin affect your family, community, and testimony? In this study on 1st Chronicles chapter 10, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the repercussions of the unrepentant heart.
Did you hear the good news that Israel has made a major antibody, Coronavirus breakthrough? Check out this encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee on the parallels of the Coronavirus and our sinful nature.
Scientists are searching for a cure for the Coronavirus. But did you know there is a cure for the sin virus our parents passed down to us? Here’s an encouraging word from Pastor Bunjee Garrett on the spiritual healing provided by Christ.
What does your behavior say about your beliefs? When push comes to shove, do you live out your biblical beliefs or do you fall back to your sinful nature? In this topical study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett challenges the believer to walk out their faith by protecting themselves from demonic deception.
Psalm 37:4 is one of the most misinterpreted and misapplied scriptures in the Bible. Does God really give us our heart’s desire? In this study on Psalm 37:4, guest speaker Jeremy Valencia puts this verse into context and how it applies to every believer.
Are you spending time each day seeking the Lord Jesus? Do you seek His face as diligently as Ezra did writing the genealogical record of God’s chosen people? In this study through the book 1st Chronicles chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to wake up every day with the goal of spending devotional time with the One that Ezra worked so hard to find.
What is repentance, and what are the fruits that prove repentance has actually occurred? In this study from Jonah chapter three, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how the evidence of repentance will manifest in the life of a believer.
What does the Bible say about sexual immorality? What are the consequences of sexual sin? In this study from 2nd Peter chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the trappings of sexual immorality and the freedom that Christ provides for those who trust Him.
Are you fighting against God’s will for your life? Do you find yourself at odds with the prophetic Word of the Bible? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 24, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines how God is ready to pardon the sins of those who repent and trust in the finished work of the sinless sacrifice, Jesus.
What is the ‘fiery furnace’ in your life right now? Do you feel pressured to compromise your Christian faith? In this study through the book of Daniel, guest speaker Jeremy Valencia teaches that every trial, no matter the outcome, is meant to grow our testimony.
Are you surrendering to your fears? Or are you living in the victory of faith? In this study from 2nd Kings 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to understand that those who fight the good fight of faith will overcome the attacks of the enemy.
Are you a good soldier or a bad sailor? Everyone belongs to one of these categories. In this study through 1 Timothy, Guest Speaker Steve Westfall teaches what it means to live our life in obedience to the Lord and not to our own accord.
People spend millions of dollars every year on ugly Christmas sweaters, but have you ever considered the similarity between the person that puts on an ugly Christmas sweater and the incarnation of our Savior? In this Christmas Eve study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how we all have ugly sweaters of our fallen flesh and how the incarnation of Christ provides the heavenly detergent to cleanse us from our sins.
Are you allowing the Lord to reveal the power of His name to those who are in your sphere of influence? Or are you hiding the light of the Lord under the proverbial bushel basket? In this study from 2 Kings chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to share the Good News of the Gospel to all the world, even at the risk of offending some.
Are you straddling the spiritual fence which stands between your faith in God, and your faith in faulty idols? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to to realize that straddling the fence doesn’t make any sense.
Do you feel like you’re less privileged than others? Are you allowing the pursuit of privilege to lead you away from the Lord? In this study from Hebrews chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see that Christians are people of privilege.
Are you able to correct the course of your carnal decisions before receiving the correction of the Lord? Or do you continue to sin until you feel the pain of the Lord’s perfect punishment? In this study from 2nd Kings chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages us to learn the hard lessons from the Bible, so that we can avoid the loving correction of the Lord.
Are you still traveling on the right road? Or have you taken a wrong turn along the way? In this study through Hebrews chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the actions we need to take to stay on the Right Road.
Are you a believer who is being sanctified? Are you being refined by trials? In this study through 1st Kings chapter 17, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the authority that Jesus has on our lives.
Are you fleeing from idolatry? Or are you secretly serving your idols? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 16, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of keeping the Lord first in our lives.
Are you encouraged as you read God’s word? Or do you dread reading the Bible? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 15, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to see how the study of the scriptures will provide encouragement to those who are walking by faith.
Are you struggling with the consequences of a sinful decision? Are you wondering why God is letting you deal with it, rather than taking it from you? In this study on 1 Kings chapter 14, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the consequences of unrepentant sins.
What’s driving your decisions? Every decision we make will either lead us into the freedom of Christ, or back to the bondage of sin. In this study from Hebrews chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to learn how to Deal with Difficult Decisions, by faith in Jesus Christ.
Do you embrace the word of God, even when it opposes your opinions? Or are you quick to reject the sections of scripture that contradict your point of view? In this study from 1 Kings chapter 13, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of embracing God’s prophetic word.
If you aren’t worshipping God, what are you worshipping? Those who fail to seek God will end up at the altar of an idol. In this study through 1 Kings chapter 12, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of seeking God’s counsel.
Who are your role models and how are they affecting your life? In this study from Hebrews chapter 11, Pastor Bunjee Garrett helps us to identify the right role models that can help us walk by faith.
Who’s footsteps are you following in? Are you living a life that is worthy of imitation? In this study from 1st Kings 11, Pastor Bunjee examines the bad example of King Solomon which resulted in the division of Israel.
Does the end justify the means? Will sinful shortcuts help us to achieve godly goals? In this study from 1st Kings chapter 9, Pastor Bunjee Garrett addresses the problems that arise, when Christians engage in carnal compromise.
Have you dedicated your temple to the Lord? In this study from 1 Kings chapter eight, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of becoming a believer who is completely consecrated for the glory of God.
It’s been reported that 68% of Christian men view pornography on a regular basis. Sexual immorality is a problem in the church. Does God have a solution for the believer struggling with sexual sin? In this study from 1 Kings chapter seven, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explores what the Bible has to say about combating sexual sin.
When Jesus returns will you meet Him as a merciful King, or a just Judge? In the second chapter of 1st Kings, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the mercy and righteousness of God.
Does your life reflect the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Or are you still living your life in pursuit of your own desires? In the sixth and final chapter of Galatians, Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the importance of fulfilling the law of Love, by bearing the burdens of another.
How often do we make promises and how often do we break those promises? On the other hand, how trustworthy are God’s promises? Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches on the “Permanent Promises” of God as found in Hebrews chapter six.
Are you walking in the Spirit? Or do you find yourself still in bondage to your sins? In this Bible overview of Galatians chapter 5, Pastor Bunjee presents us an opportunity to examine our own lives and see if we truly are being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Are you in the family of freedom or the family of bondage? In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett, teaches a verse by verse overview of Galatians chapter four, where Paul encourages the Galatians to not return to the bondage of the law.
What’s good about Good Friday? Thousands of years ago, Jesus suffered and was crucified on the cross for our sins. The suffering of Jesus was not only physical, but He also suffered the emotional pain of relational rejection. This means that Jesus, God the Son, is able to relate to humankind and our sufferings. He suffered the most on the cross for us. Before the foundation of the world was created, God made this plan because of His love for us and so that we would be saved. The goodness of God was shown through Jesus’ death on this Good Friday.
How are we justified before God? By our good works? Or through faith in Jesus? A true transformation by the Holy Spirit is shown through a life that loves and serves God daily, not by words alone. As Pastor Bunjee Garrett teaches verse by verse on the second chapter of Galatians, we will examine the lives of those living in hypocrisy and how we instead can live truthfully for Jesus and in the liberty of His grace.
God tests our hearts. The devil tempts us. In this Final study of the book of second Samuel, Pastor Bunjee examines how David struggled with the command of the Lord and ultimately fell into sin. However, in the end, we see that the Lord can even use our the mistakes to bring glory to Himself.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
In this study, “The Importance of the Incarnation”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how important Christ’s incarnation is because it is Securing our Salvation, Allowing our Adoption, Establishing our Emancipation, and Revealing our Reconciliation.
In this study, “Navigating the Narrow Path”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the Bible is our Compass, our Polaris, and our Bearing.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
In this study, “Emergency Alert”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that explains how the Lord calls those who Hear, Thirst, and Desire.
In this study, “Reverse the Curse”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how Jesus is going to reverse the curse by providing us with The Water of Life, The Tree of Life, and The Light of Life.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
In this study, “The Great White Throne”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that will teach us how the Great White Thrones begins with the Resurrection, then Retrospection, and ends with Retribution.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “Bad News for Babylon”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the harlot of Babylon will have The Doctrines of Demons, The Works of Wickedness, The Lust of Luxury, The Sin of Sorcery, and The Horror of Homicide.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “Exposing the Harlot”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse study that shows how the harlot revealed in Revelation will lead the nations in Spiritual Adultery, Shameful Adornment, and Sinful Abominations.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “The Right Reasons for Wrath”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows the reasons of God’s righteous wrath which are Idolatry, Tyranny, and Blasphemy.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “Reasons to Rejoice”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how God has promised to Rule and Reign, to give Wrath and Reward, and to Reveal and Restore.
In this study, “Stuck in the Snare of Sin”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how we can end up in The Snare of Spiritual Idolatry, The Snare of Murderous Butchery, The Snare of Intoxicated Sorcery, The Snare of Sexual Immorality, and The Snare of Covetous Thievery.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a topical study on resolutions.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 2 Corinthians.
In this study, ” A Challenge for the Long-Suffering Church”, Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse study that shows us the Exhibition of His power over persecution, the Examination of what was happening in Smyrna, and the Exhortation to stay faithful in the face of affliction.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a topical study about how the speech of a Christian should sound.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Corinthians.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Corinthians.
In this study, Pastor Bunjee Garrett gives us a Prophecy Update for 2015.
In this study, “On Guard,” Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows us how to take up the sword of the Spirit, so that we can guard our minds from the Wicked One, guard our hearts from the Wicked World, and guard our souls from Wicked Worship so that we can continue to serve our Savior, who is the only living God.