Can you lose your salvation? How does the Trinity secure our salvation? In this study from Jude chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what the Bible says about the security of salvation.
Are you a sacrificial servant to our Savior? Or are you more of a comfortable Christian? In this topical study, Guest Speaker Jeremy Valencia encourages believers to live sacrificially in order to be successful Christians.
Do you desire to be the best believer? Or are you focused on earthly glory? In this study from Luke chapter 22, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what it takes to become the believer God desires you to be.
Do you seek divine direction when making decisions? Is God your guide through life? In this study from Ezra chapter 8, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains how our God is able to guide those who will humbly seek Him.
Are you a surrendered servant of our Savior? Or are you still serving your selfish interest in order to accomplish your own agenda? In this study from Luke chapter 19, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines what it means to be a surrendered servant of Christ.
Do you truly value God above everything else? Does your life reflect a worshipful heart? In this study from Ezra chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages believers to completely commit to the Lord.
Are you ready to leave behind the bondage of Babylon? Are you ready to walk in the freedom that Christ provided for you? In this study from Ezra chapter 2, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every Christian to walk in the Liberty of the Lord.
What does it mean to be a faithful servant of Christ? Are you living for the Lord, or for the lusts of the flesh? In this study through Colossians chapter 4, Pastor Bunjee Garrett examines the final word of encouragement that Paul presented to Christians in Colossea.
What is Pastor Bunjee’s vision for Calvary South Austin? What’s our mission? And how do we accomplish it? In this special Vision Night message, Pastor Bunjee Garrett explains the calling we have as a church here in Austin, Texas.
Has your faith changed the way you live? Are you dying to your flesh? In this study from Colossians chapter 3, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to put off the old man and walk in the newness of life.
How has God changed your life with divine intervention? Did you know that God is ready to help us live the Christian life? In this study from 2nd Peter chapter 1, Pastor Bunjee Garrett encourages every believer to seek help from the Lord, so that we can enjoy the benefits of divine intervention.
Bunjee Garrett, Pastor of Calvary South Austin, teaches a verse by verse overview through the book of 1 Samuel.
In this study, “A Book of Blessings,” Pastor Bunjee Garrett leads us through a verse by verse teaching that shows how the blessings of this book are given to those who Contemplate this book through reading, Comprehend the revelation of Jesus Christ, and Comply to the prophetic truths that are found in this book.